Electrical Safety with Arc Flash Training
Electrical hazards (previously only electrical shock) have now expanded to include arc flash and arc blast. These hazards can result in serious injury or death to electrical workers. The proper use of safety equipment, knowledge of electrical hazards, and knowledge of how to respond in the event of an electrical disaster are critical for all electrical personnel or those working on or around electrical equipment.
Our Electrical Safety with Arc Flash training program will explain the principles of arc flash protection, avoiding unsafe acts, working safely, and understanding codes and standards relating to industrial, commercial and utility industries. The latest standards, technology, and materials available are presented and demonstrated by electrically experienced personnel.

Bob Gernat leads a training session
Basics of Electrical Hazards
- Electric Shock Hazard
- Shock Prevention – Selection of proper Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
- Electric Arc Flash/Arc Blast
- Flash Protection – Selection of proper PPE
- Prevention of Hazards from the Arc Blast
Safety Regulations
- Standards/Enforcement Agencies
Safe Work Procedures
- Employer and Owner Responsibilities
- Employee Responsibilities
- Contractor Responsibilities
- Qualified/Unqualified Persons
- Training Requirements
- Preliminary Planning
- Selection and Use of Safe Work Practices
- Clearances
- Approach Distances
- Arc Flash Boundaries